Integrated Energy Therapy Healing (IET) releases all blockages and negativity from cellular memory, replacing them with positivity, safety, and peace.
It is a powerful yet gentle technique that works on the body, mind, and soul to restore natural balance. We encounter many challenges, and some go back to our childhood. We can feel confused, angry, depressed, and fearful. We can suffer from physical pain, chronic illnesses, anxiety, addictions, and sometimes unjustified fears. All this takes place in our stuck places. IET offers physical and spiritual freedom. The human being is more than a physical body.
IET consists of laying the hands on certain areas of the body to release all negativity and blockages from the physical body and the aura. It is like a deep cleanse of all fears, releasing your suppressed feelings. It offers gentle yet potent support for survivors of physical or emotional trauma and abuse, for those who lacked care and love growing up or have suffered from neglect or addictions.
It is a holistic therapy that can be used alone or in combination with other holistic or traditional medicines. A few sessions might be needed to clear energy blockages.
I use Crystal Healing as part of my IET sessions. I place crystals on different body areas to channel crystalline energy, promoting relaxation and restoring equilibrium. Crystals create a healing effect by changing the negative vibrations into positive ones. The sensation is subtle, but crystal energy penetrates your energy field and physical body to restore your balance, transmute negative thoughts, and offer you a High Vibration experience and clearing.
I am not a medical practitioner, and IET or any energy healing therapy is NOT a substitute for traditional medicine. If you have any illnesses or physical symptoms, you must consult a medical doctor.
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